Collaborative processes in art practice
The first gathering of the Karkatag art collective and participants of the Nelt Educational program was held as a part of the third cycle of the program. This is just the first in a series of gatherings, and an announcement of the beginning of collaborative work that will take place during the upcoming months.
26 Feb
Monday, 26. feb


Program Language

Closed event
About the presentation
During the first segment of the workshop, the members of the collective Ana and Marko Dimitrijević and Aleksandar Popović, spoke about their long-time work. This collective explores the production of interactive machines and installations, ranging from mechanical constructions to digital devices, with the purpose of learning more about the performative potential of the machines, and machine-induced situations that require the audience to be actively engaged.
After the presentation held at Nova Iskra, the participants visited Praksa Makerspace, which is used as a workspace and a platform for Kartakag’s experiments, as well as a convenient space for the collective to selflessly share their resources, tools and knowledge with the interested citizens.
This gathering and presentation marked the beginning of a specific type of mentoring and collaborative work of Kartakag collective and participants of the Nelt Educational program, based on development, production and realization of the final exhibition within the third cycle of the program.
NELT is organizing the third cycle of the Nelt educational program for students, in cooperation with Nova Iskra and G12 HUB gallery. Within the third cycle of the NEP, 25 selected students will have the opportunity to boost their creativity and entrepreneurship skills, in addition to broadening their horizons in the domains of critical thinking, teamwork and project development. The participants will be given a unique learning and collaboration experience, which comes under the slogan THINK FUTURE!.

Milica Pekić
Milica Pekić, art historian and curator from Belgrade. Currently, she is finishing her doctors deegree at the Department of Modern Art at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She is a co-founder of the KIOSK Platform for Contemporary Art, and since 2002 she has been actively involved in the creation, development and realization of this platforms projects. She was also the curator of the O3ONE gallery in Belgrade from 2004 to 2007. As a curator, she participated in numerous projects at the local, regional and international level. She completed the international program "European Diploma in Cultural Management", as well as the program of the US Government entitled "Cultural Management in the US". Since 2013 she has been working as a program director at the Gallery12HUB in Belgrade. She is one of the founders of the Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia Association and is currently the President of the Managing Board of KOOPERATIVA, the Regional Platform for Culture. Her works and essays have been published in numerous journals, publications and catalogs.

Art collective
Karkatag is Belgrade based Serbian art collective. It exists since 2009.
Karkatag includes machines, interactive and autonomous installations and manipulable objects. Karkatag uses industrial materials and technologies in research of different natural and scientific phenomena, interactivity and performativity of machines, sound, motion. Through public actions and performances, by placing installations and machines in space as urban scenography and props, this collective also introduces social aspects of its work. In those settings spectator/passerby is being involved in co-play with machine/installation and thereby becoming an active partaker in changing the perception of space and daily routine of the city. Karkatag works are participatory and the situation generated through their use is integral part of their realization. Aiming to encourage experimentation and to make its metalworking and mechanical knowledge available, collective organizes series of workshops as well as offering workplace, tools and advising. Karkatag has three permanent members that are together defining, managing and realizing the work of collective. Nevertheless, team structure is generally fluid and from project to project it involves new people.