Creative Community in Digital times
DACIDA creates digital spaces to promote creatives and artists, and exchange ideas, experiences and practices with other participants in this field.
24 Oct
Thursday, 24. oct



Program Language


About the panel
The first activity of this initiative is realized as an online conference that presented numerous creatives, designers, theoreticians and professionals through practical examples and deliberations about the role and the position of the creatives have today in local, regional, but also international context.
The program of this conference was completely online and represented an experiment which presented: TeYosh studio, Nemanja Jehlička, Jovan Čekić, doc. mr. Maja Stanković, Osman Koc, Darko Dragićević, Aleksandar Sedlar and many more.
Today, DACIDA is present on Instagram, where through innovatively designed use of the so-called Takeover Stories they present artists and creators of the younger generation from the local scene.
Through discussions with the initiators of this platform we will open the issues of promotional spaces and knowledge exchange for creatives and artists, and will discuss the challenges faced by young artists, but also what are the specifics of the local creative scene, as well as what kind of support is needed for creatives to connect in the analog domain.

Online community of creatives
DACIDA is an online community that gathers artists with a goal to research, exchange experiences and start a dialogue about what means to be an artist today. Founded in 2017 within the City Gerilla program and started as an online conference that hosted TeYosh studio, Nemanja Jehlička, Jovan Čekić, doc. mr. Maja Stanković, Osman Koc, Darko Dragićević, Aleksandar Sedlar. DACIDA promotes young artists in domestic scene every Monday through Instagram Takeover and presented more than 100 artists so far.