Growth Hub is a support program for the development of HUBS and co-working spaces in Serbia, which was realized within the framework of the German development cooperation project “Encouraging Youth Employment”, implemented by the German organization for international cooperation – GIZ.

Since hubs and co-working spaces create local communities that nourish entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, cooperation and support of youth for employment and self-employment, the hub concept has been recognized as an important model for overcoming the problem of youth unemployment. The aim of this program was to strengthen the spaces and organizations that directly contribute to the youth employment.

Nova Iskra had the opportunity, through two program activities, to be a part of the Growth Hub project. Through the organization of the visit of hubs from across Serbia and knowledge exchange with colleagues from Belgrade hubs (Nova Iskra, Startit, ICT Hub and Impact Hub) implemented by Miljan Peljević (Co-founder and Workspace Manager – Savamala), and the realization of a two-day course devoted to audience development and new program development, presented by Nana Radenković (Co-founder and Program Manager at Nova Iskra).