Nova Iskra Nova Iskra Workspace Nova Iskra Studio
30 Jun 2013

Nova Iskra at TEDxZemunED

On June 29th, Belgrade hosted its first TedxED eventm, and the first of its kind in Serbia. It brought TEDxED to Serbia, together with its mission “Ideas worth spreading!”.

TEDxZemunED, organized by Link Group, brought together interesting speakers from the fields of entrepreneurship, social responsibility, leadership and other domains, while one of them was Marko Radenković, initiator and general manager of Nova Iskra. In his brief lecture, Marko spoke from a personal perspective about the ideas and circumstances under which Nova Iskra was formed, as well as about the first six months of our activities.

Beside Marko, other acclaimed local speakers also took part – Nikola JovanovičBranislav MaričićDejana Popović and Milica Mešterović (Remake team), NikolaMirčić and others.

TEDxZemunED is an independently organized TED event (TEDx), while the ED tag tells that it is a TEDx event focused on the issues of education. The annual TED conference is presented in Long Beach, California, while TED Global conference is held each year in Edinburgh in the UK.