Eunic Air
24 Nov
Friday, 24. nov


Program Language


About the presentation
Within the EUNIC Air program – a European perspective of artistic career, a discussion will be held with four participants of this year’s EUNIC Air program. This autumn, Swedish industrial designer Kristoffer Sundin and French illustrator Antoine Eckart are staying in Belgrade, as guests of New Iskra, also Gianluca Barbadori is a guest of the National Theater and German writer Maxi Obexer is the guest of the Crocodile festival.
In a conversation moderated by Jean Baptiste Cuzin, president of EUNIC Serbia and director of the French Institute in Serbia, they will share their impressions of their residencies, working conditions and networking with colleagues at their disposal during their stay in Serbia, and how these study stays affect their work and personal and professional development.
The EUNIC Air project aims to support the development of art residences in Serbia, as well as cross-cutting experiences, reflections and discourses through interactive conversations of artists of different disciplines. Within this program, partnerships between the literary festival Crocodile, Nova Iskra and Pančevo Jazz Festival are taking place, with each of them individually conducting the residences for writers / translators, designers and multidisciplinary authors and musicians.
EUNIC (National Institutes of Culture of the European Union) is a global network of international institutes for cultural relations from EU member states. Members of EUNIC want to facilitate cultural cooperation, create lasting partnerships between professionals and encourage better understanding and contribution of culture to open, diverse and inclusive societies. EUNIC Serbia gathers 15 EU cultural institutions either present or presented in Serbia.
Within this program, Antoine Eckart will also present an exhibition of his work at the PALMAS BOUTIQUE on Friday, November 24th at 7pm. The exhibition will also last during the weekend of 25th and 26th November.
An interview with Antoine Eckart, Krtistoffer Sundine, Gianluk Barbadori and Maxi Obexer, as well as the presentation of EUNIC Air program will be held on Wednesday, November 22nd at 6 pm at Nova Iskra. The entrance is free!

Kristoffer Sundin
Kristoffer Sundin graduated from Konstfack in 2011, and has since been running his own studio in Stockholm with a focus on interior design commissions, studio-produced design and public art projects. Kristoffer has created many projects in collaboration with numerous artists and designers, including clients such as Publit Highlights, Jockum Nordström, Gallery Magnus Karlsson, Bio Rio and others. Together with the artists 1:2:3 and Simon Klenell, Kristoffer founded A-B-C production platform and webshop. The idea behind the project is to create a context for bi-products from interior commissions, as well as for self-initiated and self-produced design objects. Most of the work is made by the designers themselves and sold through the web shop.

Antoine Eckart
Antoine Eckart is an illustrator and graphic designer from Lyon, who equally deals with client work through Alles Gut studio, as well as self-initiated projects in the domain of independent publishing. He works closely with the cultural and music scene in France.

Gianluca Barbadori
Gianluca Barbadori is a director and theater teacher. He has directed more than 60 pieces in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese, and performed in Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Iran, Uruguay and the United States. He is currently running the theater "Ponte Tra Culture" in Ancona and "El Hormiguero Teatro" in Bogota. He has been engaged in theatrical pedagogy since 1994, with professional actors, as well as on theater projects applied in working with specific social groups.

Maxi Obexer
Maxi Obexer is a dramaturge and a writer. She writes about the multilayered and unusual way of moving and evicting various people. For the latest novel "The Longest European Year" ("Europas längster Sommer"), she was nominated for the Bahman Prize in 2017.