Tech Breakfast BG#48
Join us for the new Tech Breakfast, for the second time at Nova Iskra!
5 Feb
Start Date

5 Feb
End Date


8:30 - 10

Program Language

Program Slots

Free by application

What is it about?
Heapspace and Nova Iskra started its long term partnership last month, which means that the event named Tech Breakfast will be from now on organized at Nova Iskra Dorćol. We are happy for this partnership and invite you to join us on the second Tech Breakfast organized at our space.
Tech Breakfast is a regional event that promotes entrepreneurship, organized by the Heapspace community in Belgrade, Zagreb, Novi Sad and Subotica. The concept of the event are short and simple presentations of entrepreneurial ideas, businesses and projects, with a goal of exchanging experiences and making new connections. A couple of 5-minute lectures are followed by 2-minute Q&A time, while the whole event includes coffee, pastry and surprise gifts for participants.
This meetup’s lecturers are:
Kristina Nikolić – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Did you know that Serbia is in the first 10 countries in the world whose population is decreasing fastest? Like many developed and developing countries, Serbia is facing demographic changes. Because of those facts, UNDP and UNFPA together launched the challenge that has a goal to gain new insights in demographic trends, through connecting academic community with IT professionals, using both traditional and alternative data sources.
Nenad Blagojević – Stories with a soul
“Stories with a soul” are the journalism entrepreneurship project by Nenad Blagojević, the internet portal that publishes positive stories about hardworking and talented people from Serbia. Through unique storytelling, entrepreneurs, initiators of socially responsible ideas, young talents and unusual destinations at the Balkans have been presented. The website has around 100.000 visitors per month, it has been awarded in the last 5 years and became a media in the Republic of Serbia. Around 30 domestic and foreign internet portals are resharing its stories and it is called the most positive website in Serbia.
Luka Pejović –
Crowdinvesting platform enables young and innovative businesses with good products, services and business models to tell their story, create an investment offer and start a campaign to raise investments. enables individuals and legal entities to become investors with relatively small amounts of money (minimum 100 EUR) in small enterprises with big ambitions and growth potential. The purpose of the platform is to give a chance to the people who believe in some business or company to invest in it. On the other hand, it enables young companies to access finance.
Mila Rosić – Majstorice
This concept represents woman designers from Belgrade, who deal with recycling and redesigning of furniture. The idea is to create unique pieces from scratch, but from already existing materials, to give a life to something that seems to have lost its function. Majstorice are trying to give back the glow to the pieces of furniture that have been processed, as well to give personal design touch. The idea is to give life to the furniture from landfills that people gave up on and to show that something old could be turned into something new, useful, nice and functional.

Who is it for?
The event is aimed at a wider audience, more precisely – at everyone who has some entrepreneurial spirit and wants to be informed about potential challenges, but also about the advantages of starting a business. Therefore, Tech Breakfast could be interesting for networking – first morning coffee with a pastry is a great combination for making new acquaintanceships.