Organized by the Serbian Green Building Council, a panel discussion will be held to accompany this year’s Campaign of the Network of National Councils throughout the World #BuildingLife, during the Green Building Week #WGBW2019.
26 Sep
Start Date

26 Sep
End Date


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Free by application

What is it about?
The construction sector is one that should undergo transformation, as 39% of global energy-related CO2 emissions come from buildings. The aim of the Council is to bring about an understanding of where CO2 originates from and how access to all stages of the life cycle of a building can help reduce its emissions. In addition, the Council network is aware that it cannot achieve the goal on its own, but together we must all take steps that should spur innovative solutions. In order for these steps to be successful, thinking must also come from the future. By facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge and new practices, this panel aims to indicate that greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced and thus allow us to adapt and create a sustainable built environment while respecting the environment and biodiversity.
As a community, by creating green initiatives and regulations, the impact and effort can be scaled from the scale of the building, across cities to the ultimate global goal, but before acting at that level, it is necessary to understand from different perspectives what all the challenges entail. The quest for a path to net zero emissions has already begun, but it is necessary to raise the level of knowledge and experience in this field, but also to need the awareness that we must all be involved.
Panel Moderator: Ivana Lakić, Editor-in-Chief of Real Estate Magazine, while anyone interested in the topic should fill out this form before joining the program.
With each passing day, climate change is becoming more extreme and serious, thus posing a major challenge to life on Earth. Around the world, initiatives in various fields are turning to the concept of sustainability, an approach that connects many professions. Like the topic itself, the answer is complex, but at the core of the solution is the need for decarbonization.

Dragana Korica
CEO of Green Building Council of Serbia (Member of WorldGBC)
Dragana, a Master of Engineering, has been dedicated to the realization of the organization's goals since 2017, as the Executive Director of the Council; to encourage and lead the transformation of the Serbian construction industry and the market towards sustainable - green construction.
Professional work was realized at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, IMK of the same, EKI RD Studio, EKI RS Company and Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade (cooperation with the economy), on the tasks of project management, synchronization and designing itself, as well as supervision on the realization of the same, as Director and responsible designer, through participation in teaching, on the preparation of publications, as a guest lecturer and auditor.
She is the author and co-author of architectural and urban planning projects, urban plans, revisions, interiors and coat of arms of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UB. As a co-author, she has been awarded at several urban-architectural competitions.

Marko Dragićavić
Teaching Associate / Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade - Member of the Green Building Council of Serbia
He completed his Master of Academic Studies in 2017 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, where he has been working as a teaching assistant since 2015.
He is the recipient of the first prize for the 2019 eVolo International Contest for Solitaire of the Future, with the project of a vertical landfill in Belgrade that produces electricity from recycled waste; first award for the solution of the main town square in Leposavic (2019); second award from the Urban Planning Salon for the reconstruction of the old town of Ivanjica (2018); second award for the residential complex in Trnava (2017) and second award for the reconstruction of the Weifert Brewery in Pancevo (2015).
He narrows his field of interest to industrial facilities, digital design and graphic programming.

Dr Milena Stojković
Associate Partner, Senior Environmental Analyst / Foster + Partners / Member of the Serbian Green Building Council
Dr Milena Stojković (ARB, RIBA, LEED AP, WELL AP) is an architect and environmental designer. She is an associate at Foster + Partners, a global studio for sustainable architecture, urbanism and design, founded by Norman Foster in 1967. Her work focuses on developing environmental responses and sustainable strategies for projects that include Apple's global flagships, luxury residential towers, airports, healthcare facilities, and research and development centers. Her research activities focus on measuring and improving building performance, health and well-being.
Milena studied architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, and sustainable environmental design at the Architectural Association, London. She is a lecturer at the UCL Bartlett MSc Environmental Design and Engineering program. She lives and works in London.

Tomica Mišljenović
Assistant / Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Department of Plant Ecology and Geography
He has been involved in a number of courses in elementary and master studies, primarily in the fields of environmental protection, human ecology and urban ecology. From 2012 to 2017, he was employed as the Head of the Biology and Environmental Program at the Petnica Research Station, and from the beginning of his basic studies to the present day he is also an expert guide at the Jevremovac Botanical Garden. He has served as President of the Student Council of the Society for Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry of SETAC Europe and has organized a number of international conferences and workshops in the field of environmental protection. His narrow scientific interest is plant ecology in habitats with high concentrations of heavy metals, including urban habitats, while his professional interests include sustainable urban development, climate change adaptation and invasive species ecology. He is completing his doctoral studies at his home faculty.

Dr Vladimir Đurđević
Associate Professor - Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Department of Meteorology
Expert in numerical climate modeling, climate data analysis, climate change impact analysis, risk assessment, vulnerability assessment and adaptation to climate change. He is the recipient of the annual award of the Faculty of Physics for the most productive researcher and the World Meteorological Organization's Borivoje Dobrilović Fund Award. He is the head of a group from the Faculty of Physics which is a partner in the IS-NES3 project (H2020). He is also a sub-project manager and researcher on the projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. He is a participant in the international initiative "Mediterranean Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (Med-CORDEX)" and a member of the international committee "Initiative for Regional Hydroclimate Project for Pannonian Reaction (PannEX)". He is an external contributor to the Sub-Regional Climate Center for South East Europe (SEEVCCC).
He was a member of the working group on the implementation of the activities of the Belgrade Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan, and as an expert and consultant, he co-authored national climate reports to the UNFCC for Serbia, BiH, Montenegro and Brazil.