Nova Iskra is starting a new, notable program cycle dedicated to the development of the gaming industry.
14 Dec
Thursday, 14. dec



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About the lecture
FTW! Gaming Hub is an independent program cycle that will, in the coming months, present various aspects of the development of digital games in cooperation with leading gaming companies and experts . The honor to open the program goes to Dušan Žica from AMO2 studio, with an introductory lecture dedicated to the history of games in general. This program is also an introduction to the second Games.con festival, which will be held at the Belgrade Fair Dec 15th to 17th.
This December, creative hub Nova Iskra is launching a special program cycle dedicated to the gaming industry, entitled FTW! Gaming Hub. Every month until next summer, interesting and inspiring lectures will be presented to a wide audience and young professionals, as well as those interested in entering professional gaming. The topics will incluide various aspects of this fast-growing industry, which has been experiencing great expansion in our region for the past several years.
From digital storytelling, over game design, art, programing, business models, to marketing, project management, gaming development as well as many other interesting aspects of the industry, FTW! Gaming Hub intends to gather the community of young, current and future gaming professionals and help them expend their knowledge and skills, through introductions with experience lecturers and mentors that are active in the local industry and beyond.
Until June 2018, the first seven sessions will be held, and in the meantime you can also expect the first workshops and special programs, while the ambitions of the FTW! Gaming Hub are much broader and will in time include all relevant acters of the Serbian, regional and European gaming industry.
That is why the first lecture is realized in cooperation with Games.con gaming festival, which will be held in Belgrade from December 15th to 17th at the Belgrade Fair, and this FTW! Gaming Hub kickoff is a special pre-launch of the festival.
One of the events that marked 2016 was the first Games.con. More than 20.000 gaming fans passed through Belgrade Fair, marking the beginning of a story that is described in similar manifestations around the world as a summit of the entertainment industry, at the domestic and international levels. Special guests of the festival were representatives of one of the most powerful companies in the world of game industry – Blizzard Entertainment. At Games.con, local developers, distributors of gaming equipment, e-sports associations, media, boardgaming clubs, comic strip publishers, YouTubers, best cosplayers and all those seen as part of the Games.con festival were introduced.
As part of its kick-off, FTW! Gaming Hub presents, together with Games.con, the lecture entitled The Power of Play, by Dušan Žica, as an ideal introduction to everything that is expected in the coming months within this unique gaming hub, and during the coming days at the Belgrade Fair.
The lecture will provide an overview of the importance and perception of games through human history, with an overview of the historical development and the place that some games have in popular culture (directly through transmedia), from the first table RPGs and arcade pioneers to contemporary PC MOBA and mobile games. Discover how and why we love to play, what games bring us and how computer games have changed the world we live in.
The lecture The Power of Play, by Dušan Žica will be held on Thursday, December 14th at 6 PM at Nova Iskra. Entrance is free!
The lecture is realized with the support of the Development Agency of Serbia (RAS).

Dušan Žica
Creative Strategist
Dušan Žica is a creative strategist and marketing expert, fanatically in love with the theory, design and interactive narration of table RPGs and video games of various genres. After extensive experience in advertising agencies (BBDO, Ogilvy, Gray, JWT, etc.), where he worked as a multi-award winning copywriter and creative director, he is currently realizing his dreams in the video game industry. He is dedicated to exploring the link between the creative and neuroscientific approach to marketing and the design of video games.