The Fight For Air
A specially designed program addressing the problem of air pollution in Belgrade, Serbia, and the region.
13 Feb
Wednesday, 13. feb


Program Language


About the panel
During several past months, Belgrade has topped the list of the most polluted cities in the world, shoulder to shoulder with the cities of India, China, and Bangladesh.
According to the most recent media reports, the issue of air pollution concerns not only Belgraders but also the residents of Užice, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Kosjerić, Niš…
Nova Iskra employs various activities to target creatives, innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, activists, students, professionals, organizations, and companies that wish to take on an active and responsible role in shaping how we will learn, work, and live in the future. We consider the right to clean air to be one of the fundamental human rights (and one of all living creatures’ rights) and we believe that there is no future to look forward to without trying to improve living conditions.
We support a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to this problem, in terms of both analysis and defining potential solutions. We are aware of the existence of examples of good practice, methods, and technologies that can benefit the process on the regional as well as on the global scale.
This program is designed with the goal of acquiring a deeper understanding of air pollution in our environment, in addition to detecting and mapping activists, organizations, and stakeholders aspiring to take part in upcoming activities in this area.
Panel participants (February 13th):
Jasminka Oliverić Young (RES foundation)
Dobrica Veselinović (Don’t Drown Belgrade)
Predrag Momčilović (Belgrade Open School)
Zoran Bukvić (CA Streets For Cyclists)
Panel moderator: Damjan Bogunović (Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
The problem of poor air quality is not big news, but the causes of pollution have changed. – writes Predrag Momčilović of Belgrade Open School in his article published in December 2018 in Mašina web portal.
We hope that discussion with experts, activists, and representatives from organizations that tackle related topics will advance our understanding of ever-growing challenges of life in the cities of the future, as well as of possible ways to overcome them.

Damjan Rehm Bogunović
Environmental Program Coordinator at the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo)
Environmental Program Coordinator at Heinrich Böll Foundation (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) where he deals with climate change issues with a special focus on energy transition and sustainable urban mobility.

Predrag Momčilović
Expert in the field of environmental protection.
Predrag Momčilović is an assistant on projects within the program area of Energy, Climate and Environment at the Belgrade Open School. Together with the team he participates in the preparation and realization of activities, in writing project proposals, as well as in research work. Predrag has completed elementary and master studies at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade, the direction of Geospatial Basics of the Environment. He is currently a PhD student in the field of Geoscience.
He is a member of the editorial board of the Mašina magazine and the editor of Glasnik Okvir.

Jasminka Oliverić Young
Co-founder and Program Director at RES Foundation
Experienced PhD researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the research industry. Strong research professional with an advanced MSc in European Politics and Policies focused on Comparative public policy, Public governance and management, EU lobbying, Environmental politics and policy, Climate change and Renewable energy policy and governance from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Co-founder and programme director of the RES Foundation that supports energy transition and low carbon development at the national and local level in Serbia. Skilled in negotiation, advocacy, fundraising, programme and project management, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, environmental, climate and energy policy analysis from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Serbia, Organisation for European Security and Cooperation and United Nations Development Programme.

Dobrica Veselinović
Nobleman in the initiative Ne da(vi)mo Beograd
Initiative Ne da(vi)mo Beograd gathers organizations and individuals that are interested in the field of urban and cultural politics, sustainable development of the city,
fair use of common resources and involvement of citizens in the development of their environment.

Zoran Bukvić
Representative of the Streets for Bicyclists association
Streets for Bicyclists is an a independent association improving conditions and increasing the number of cyclists and bikers in the traffic of the city of Belgrade, and putting the culture of walking and cycling into a dominant or at least equal position in relation to the automobile culture, that is outfashioned and in many ways endangers the welfare of the citizens. The mission of the association is that the responsible people of the city and state administration understand that the investment in the automobile culture is detrimental for this city, and the closure of a wider center for all motor transport, except electric public transport and increasing the space on the streets of the city for social activities, hiking, biking and other healthy and sustainable modes of transport that are desirable in modern cities.