Osvrt sa radionice Upleteni I MADE IN Collaborations
Projekat: MADE IN – Platforma za savremene zanate i dizajn
Organizator: Nova Iskra
Partneri: Studio Turbina, Fakultet savremenih umetnosti, Muzej primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu
Period: 6. april – 25. maj 2024.
Lokacija: Nova Iskra Dorćol, Jugošped – Turbina & Objectcreators


Jezik programa


O radionici
U okviru projekta MADE IN pri luku COLLABORATIONS Nova Iskra je u saradnji sa Studiom Turbina i Fakultetom savremenih umetnosti, a u partnerstvu sa Muzejom primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu, organizovala radionicu UPLETENI za studente u periodu od 6. aprila do 25. maja.
Cilj radionice je bio da se istraži potreba za formulisanjem novog oblika kulturnog medijatora kao zanatlije savremenog doba – “maker-a” koji zamišlja budućnost, ali se vodi osnovnim principima razvoja zanata – ponuditi rešenje za postojeći problem, a ne kreirati novu potrebu.
Tokom 8 sesija predavanja, mentorskog i praktičnog rada, polaznici i polaznice su istraživali pletenje kao zanat, praksu zajednice, način stvaranja materijala i sistem povezivanja.
Cilj je bio da se kroz proces koji zahteva minimum tri elementa (nit, čvor, sistem) dođe do prototipnih rešenja.
Sva prototipna rešenja i proces njihovog nastanka biće predstavljeni na izložbi u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti u decembru 2024. godine.

Photo: Tanja Drobnjak

Marija Kojić
interior and furniture designer
Marija Kojić is an interior and furniture designer, holding a BA in interior architecture from Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac and MA in interior and furniture design from Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Belgrade. She is a doctoral student at the Department for Scene Design at FTS in Novi Sad. Marija is active in various fields of creative industry. She worked on redesigning the visual identity of the Tara Nacional Park and explored working with set design while working on the film “My Morning Laughter“ by Marko Đorđević. She was nominated in the Best Designer category at the Belgrade Furniture Fair in 2018 and won the MicroMacro Award at the sixth international exhibition ON ARCHITECTURE: New Materials and Design in Architecture and Art the same year. Currently she works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade, Department for Interior Design.

Zoja Erdeljan
scene designer
Zoja Erdeljan (Turbina) is a scene designer, holding a BA and MA from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, with a focus on scene design. In her work, she is equally engaged in performing and visual arts, working as a scenographer in theaters in Belgrade, Subotica, Užice and Šabac. Alongside her art-based engagements she was an associate of Profakustika (Beograd) on scene design projects. She is a doctoral student and a junior research assistant at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad focusing on theory of scene design, architecture of scene events and graphic design. Zoja is an active member and participant in the activities of the Centre for scene design, architecture and technilogy (Scen)– Oistat Centre for Serbia, the most significant of which are the Biennale of Scene Design and Serbia’s performance at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space in 2023, where she had the role of project coordinator.

Janko Dimitrijević
Janko Dimitrijević is a producer, holding a BA in management and production of theater, radio and culture from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade from and MA in scene architecture and design from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. He is a doctoral student at the same faculty. Between 2014 and 2018 he was an executive producer at Hartefact Foundation in Belgrade. He participated at the Prague Quadrennial of Stage Design and Stage Space in 2015 and 2019. Janko is one of cofounders of production studio Turbina, where as an executive producer he took part in the 17. International exhibition of architecture in Venice, within the project 8th kilometer.

Andrija Dinulović
Andrija Dinulović (Turbina) is a producer, holding a BA in management and production of theater, radio and culture from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and MA in Scene architecture and design from Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. He is a cofounder of production studio Turbina focusing on conceptualization, technical development and realization of spaces and spatial exhibits for performing and visual arts. He is a docent at the Department for Scene Design FTS and an active participant in the programs of the Centre for scene design, architecture and technology (Scen). Andrija participated in more than 40 projects in Serbia, Slovenia, Chech Republic, France, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland. Through his work at Turbina, among other projects, he was part of producing the appearance of Republic of Serbia at the Biennial of Architecture in Venice and the Festival of Light Installations – iLigiht Singapure.