Food and cultural heritage: an EU policy perspective
We invite you to join the online conference within the Food is Culture project, which will mix art, food, culture and policy!
special program
We invite you to join the online conference within the Food is Culture project, which will mix art, food, culture and policy!
special program
For the last couple of years, the public outside the scientific community started to realize that exotic animals are not the only one jeopardized, that negative changes in the population of different species are happening on the local levels as well.
special program
In partnership with INTERA organization from Mostar, Nova Iskra continues the realization of the online YMH camps, and during this weekend organizes the second camp within the Youth Media Hub project, as part of the international regional programme “Dialogue for the Future” (DFF).
10 Oct
Saturday, 10. Oct
special program
In partnership with Intera from Mostar, Nova Iskra realized the first online youth camp during the last weekend in September, within the Youth Media Hub, a part of international regional programme Dialogue for the Future (DFF).
26 Sep
Saturday, 26. Sep
special program
TransLocal Cooperation exhibition, launched in Furtherfield Gallery, London in March as part of the Connect for Creativity project, is going digital starting from 6 July. Bringing together artists from Greece, Serbia, Turkey and the UK, the exhibition offers an interactive experience.
6 Jul
Monday, 6. Jul
special program
What does it mean to work as a stock photographer and still be creative?
What is the path from creating an idea to actually uploading a photo?
special program
The second IxDA Belgrade meetup at Nova Iskra.
special program
How does it look like working with giant brands? What does it mean having your own agent? How to develop a personal, authentic style?
special program
We invite you to the Pop-up group selling exhibition of small formats and a pre new years’ matinee, organized by Kulturforum!
special program
PatchAi is an Italian-Serbian start up that deals with one of the many aspects of the clinical trials, using smart algorithms in order to increase the level of engagement of the patients that have been tested.